Jesus Meets The Needs of the 5,000 - "That We May Believe"
Jesus meets the needs of 5,000 - "That we may Believe" • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Bit of Review
Bit of Review
— Last week we covered, the middle part of John, Chapter 5.
— The members of the ruling parties, the Pharisee’s and Saduccees were beginning in some intensive warfare.
— They were attempting to divide God from God the Son.
— Jesus reacted swiftly… listen to Chapter 5:26.
26 For as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted the Son also to have life in himself.
— God further declares the position of His Son Jesus when He says
27 And he has given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of Man.
How do we avoid these terrible consequences?
How do we avoid these terrible consequences?
— In a word… It’s all about Jesus!
— Let him in, Let him redeem you from your unfocused chaotic life, void of any real purpose.
— Your eternity is awaiting...
Scripture Reading
Scripture Reading
— I am going to change things up a bit… In our scripture reading I’d like you to experience a different TRANSLATION when we read.
— Maybe next week, we can talk about the differences between a translation and a paraphrase.
— I promise, I will always stay true to God’s word.
— During our verse-by-verse teaching I’ll usually stick with The English Standard Version, These are the Bibles in the pew racks in front of you.
— Spanish-English Bibles are available in the last two rows
Gospel of John, Chapter 6, beginning in verse 1
Gospel of John, Chapter 6, beginning in verse 1
1 After this Jesus went to the other side of the Lake of Tiberias, which is also known as Lake Galilee.
2 And a massive crowd of people followed him everywhere. They were attracted by his miracles and the healings they watched him perform.
3 Jesus went up the slope of a hill and sat down with his disciples.
4 Now it was approaching the time of the Jewish celebration of Passover, and there were many pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem in the crowd.
5 As Jesus sat down, he looked out and saw the massive crowd of people scrambling up the hill, for they wanted to be near him. So he turned to Philip and said, “Where will we buy enough food to feed all these people?”
6 Now Jesus already knew what he was about to do, but he said this to stretch Philip’s faith.
7 Philip answered, “Well, I suppose if we were to give everyone only a snack, it would cost thousands of dollars to buy enough food!”
8 But just then, Andrew, Peter’s brother, spoke up and said,
9 “Look! Here’s a young person with five barley loaves and two small fish … but how far would that go with this huge crowd?”
10 “Have everyone sit down,” Jesus said to his disciples. So on the vast grassy slope, more than five thousand hungry people sat down.
11 Jesus then took the barley loaves and the fish and gave thanks to God. He then gave it to the disciples to distribute to the people. Miraculously, the food multiplied, with everyone eating as much as they wanted!
12 When everyone was satisfied, Jesus told his disciples, “Now go back and gather up the pieces left over so that nothing will be wasted.”
13 The disciples filled up twelve baskets of fragments, a basket of leftovers for each disciple.
14 All the people were astounded as they saw with their own eyes the incredible miracle Jesus had performed! They began to say among themselves, “He really is the One—the true prophet we’ve been expecting!”
15 So Jesus, knowing that they were about to take him and make him their king by force, quickly left and went up the mountainside alone.
— Please be seated
1 After this Jesus went away to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, which is the Sea of Tiberias.
— Jesus took a hike, a quite long hike, from where he was last chapter to the opening of this one
— “A massive crowd” followed him everywhere. It could have have been 5,000 men and another 15,000 family members. We have some good ideas but let’s just say 5,000
Question #1 - What attracts us to follow Jesus?
Question #1 - What attracts us to follow Jesus?
— “That’s the way that I was raised”
— My friends would all abandon me if they knew I was “faking” it and didn’t really believe.
— I’ve talked and talked about him… But I have yet to turn my heart, mind, soul and strength towards Him.
— It’s how you get ahead here in The Valley.
He saved me, from the consequences of sin and death and has given me NEW LIFE!
He saved me, from the consequences of sin and death and has given me NEW LIFE!
— That “new life” comes with some responsibilities
— Invite others to hear and see your story come alive like it did in Shawn’s life
— A life that could that could have NEVER been redeemed except for a willing co-worker and the Holy Spirit.
— Jesus had watch the size of the group following him grow to at least 5,000.
— Look at V.3
3 Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his disciples.
— Jesus was the pattern by we ALL should follow
— Jesus went up the mountain or slope and took his disciples with him.
— Jesus on occasion pulled away from the larger group to pray to his father or simply for rest.
— This time he took the Apostles, the 12, with him to pray.
— After what could have been a lengthy time he looked up and saw the many multitudes that were below him
5 Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?”
— So the provision of food becomes the focal point of the passage.
— Which affirms Sunnyside First Baptist and our regular pot-lucks, summer nights, and other opportunities to EAT!!!
— Here is a by-the-way, The Elders have decided that, “YES!” we will be doing summer nights again this summer. Hold on for dates and details
If you stop there your stomach may be full but you have really missed the boat
If you stop there your stomach may be full but you have really missed the boat
— Of course we know that Jesus is God with skin on.
— We know that He can do whatever the Father has directed to be done.
Our responsibility is to believe, by Faith through the Holy Spirit, that it can be done.
Our responsibility is to believe, by Faith through the Holy Spirit, that it can be done.
— Oh Jeff, that’s easy...
— Of course it is… looking back 2000 or so years the world and everyone in it is saved. There is zero need to gather, to worship, to pray, to serve, to give, to call pastors, elders or deacons.
— It’s all done… now we are just waiting for His return
—I do want to move on but before I do I want you to be sure that your ready for me to move on.
— Jesus climbed a hill to get some space to teach and pray with His disciples.
— He became aware the “crowd” numbered over 5,000. And they were hungry!
— He could’ve just created the food in the same way he did the wine when he changed it from water.
— Instead he used the least of these, a boy with fish and a couple of loaves of bread. To fed the 5000?!?!
— This “boy” certainly could have, maybe should have reminded us of King David as a child.
— As a child, David got a mission from God, did NOT back down in the face of insurmountable odds… He killed the Philistine— What exactly were the odds that would happen?
— Look at one final verse for me… V.14
14 When the people saw the sign that he had done, they said, “This is indeed the Prophet who is to come into the world!”
— Only in the intervening centuries have skeptics, doubters and naysayers drawn attention away from the miracle
— I believe that it takes more faith to believe this was a slight on hand or is in another context.
— Than it is to believe by Faith that this happened exactly as it said
QUESTION #2 - What are you trying to handle yourself when you should rely on faith alone?
QUESTION #2 - What are you trying to handle yourself when you should rely on faith alone?
— IF I just worked harder, smarter, longer I can do this.
— IF I just had a little bit more money I could retire at 50.
— IF I sell this land, this car, this home I know I’ll have enough..
— If you don’t watch it… the proverbial little boy with a some fish and bread is going to beat you to the reward.
— My guess is that each of us has those things that we are holding on to much to tightly...
— So tight that Faith has no place in what we are thinking, acting or doing.
— Do you believe it?
— I certainly am standing on solid ground in telling this to you.
— Let me propose something… begin to draw faith into your decision making process. ALL OF THEM!
— From the smallest decision to the biggest…
— Let’s see what can happen… share it with me or the church as a way of growing their faith too.
— After our last song this morning, please be seated. — The Gideons are here. Dr. Wallace Donaldson will talk 15 mins or less to talk about the mission of the Gideons.